Tuesday, March 13, 2012

We Defend Democracy


From Geraldine Chafe, a Canadian like you and I

"We Defend Democracy. The Canadian Dream of Freedom and Democracy is in our hearts. It binds us together as a people respecting the First Nations ~~~

We see what is so wrong now, because we have seen how so right, things were before. I remember the signing of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and feel in love with Democracy in Canada.

The progressive Liberal years that followed was using it's Compass towards reflecting Canadian Values (sometimes much too slowly), our Peacekeeping, our Search and Rescue, we would slap on a Maple Leaf to a Backpack and go almost anywhere in the World Peacefully...the list of positive Canadian accomplishments was long and moving in a good direction.

Under the Harper Regime Canada has Tumbled Backward even though we are challenged with advancements in Technologies (as seen with the Misuse of the Robocalls for one).

I am a First Generation Canadian from a long line of Newfoundlanders. Many people have lost their Lives and dedicated their Lifetimes, to continue the 'work' of Democracy. This is OUR work right now. It is an honour to see so many intelligent dedicated individuals standing on guard for Canada during our time of need. We shall set things right. We are already in the process of doing so. We will keep watch over Democracy."

And this Tuesday, April 17, 2012 is the 30th Anniversary of the 'Canadian Charter of Rights'

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